Comediateca · Sala de Pemsa

 The Duke of Burgundy


The Duke of Burgundy

El tercer llargmetratge de l'anglès Peter Strickland, cridat a liderar la nova onada del cinema britànic d'autor, arribarà a sales el 15 de juliol. Una història d'amor entre dues dones i un joc de sadomasoquisme en què els rols es desdibuixen, en un univers atemporal i carregat de sensualitat.

Estrena a les sales: 15/07/2016 Direcció: Peter Strickland Guió: Peter Strickland Intèrprets: Sidse Babett Knudsen, Chiara D’Anna, Eugenia Caruso País: Regne Unit Any: 2014 Durada: 106 min.


Maria Permanyer Bailac · 650 19 09 59



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 The Duke of Burgundy Poster


 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

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The Duke of Burgundy

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The Duke of Burgundy

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The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

 The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Burgundy

The Duke of Burgundy

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